ICA and Client Programs
ICA Programs
Activities designed and delivered by the ICA for the members of the Inglewood Community Association and residents of Inglewood.
ICA Kid's Soccer
This recreational, non-competitive community soccer program introduces young children, ages 2 to 6 to the idea of soccer with a big focus on FUN. Join the neighbourhood kids on Thursdays between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM from May 16 to June 20. Fees include a Kid's ICA Soccer t-shirt, a small snack at the end of each meet-up, and an end-of-season treat. If you need a new soccer shirt this year, remember to choose a t-shirt size in the registration process. This is a caregiver-supported program that only runs with the contributions of volunteers. Caregivers who sign up to volunteer receive a $15.00 to $20.00 per child discount on registration. You can sign up to volunteer in the registration process. Please be sure to complete ALL information about your child/ren including name and birth date, and complete the waiver. If you would like to register more than one child for soccer, close the cart to return to the registration page before you check out.

Client Programs
These are programs that are run by groups or organizations external to the ICA.
Please contact organizer/organization directly for information.
Colonel Walker Programs
(Before and After School care)
Colonel Walker Community School Association is a non-profit society operated by volunteer parents of the Colonel Walker Community School board of Directors, (located in Inglewood), for the children who need a place to come before and after school, and a lunchroom with a hot meal (Colonel Walker Programs).
Email: programs@colonelwalker.com
Phone: 403.263.2151
Website: http://www.colonelwalker.com/programs/
Almond Branch School
Almond Branch School is a new Waldorf and Classical Cottage School inspired Nursery, Playschool, and Wondergarten. Full or Part-time care for children aged 1 to 5. Year round between Monday and Friday.
Email: adrienne@almondbranchschool.ca
Website: www.almondbranchschool.ca
Circles of Rhythm
Every Friday Night Circles of Rhythm offers the Integrated Community Drum Circle where over 100 participants come to drum! Come be part of the intense human energy where sound and heart connect as ONE!
Contact: Julien Lepage
Email: julien@circlesofrhythm.com
Phone: 403.263.2151
Website: https://www.circlesofrhythm.com/x