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Plea From Local Heritage Advocates


March 12, 2021


In view of the pending "Guidebook for Great Communities" approval, we have received the following urgent request from our colleagues at Calgary Heritage Initiative and Calgarians for Heritage Districts:

Hello - a quick update and an 'ask' for assistance:

Introducing HeritageInspiresYYC: a communication campaign led by the Calgary Heritage Initiative (CHI) in collaboration with Calgarians for Heritage Districts (CFHD) has launched! More about this initiative and website can be found below.

While the HeritageInspiresYYC site contains a ton of great information, videos and pictures of Calgary's buildings, historic streetscapes and potential heritage districts...the primary purpose is to inspire Calgarians to further value our heritage and show their appreciation by advocating for better policies. And on the subject of policy, the Guidebook for Great Communities along with the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan is going to Council March 22nd. Over the past few months, CFHD in collaboration with CHI has been lobbying Administration & Councillors for stronger heritage policy. As per a previous email, we are pleased that, as a first step towards Heritage Districts, new policy tools and financial incentives were passed by Council in July/20 however we would like to ensure that their implementation and use in the Guidebook and Local Area Plans enable a better balance between redevelopment and heritage conservation. Accordingly, we are asking you to consider sending a letter to Council. We've made this process as simple as possibly by providing 2 letters for your review/edits.

You can find the letters and HeritageInspiresYYC here!

More information on the Guidebook and Local Area Plan along with links can be found at

Thanks for your consideration

Marilyn Williams & Lorna Cordeiro



© 2022 Inglewood Community Association Calgary  |  Privacy Policy

The ICA serves the community by helping guide change while acknowledging our past.


Phone: 403-264-3835

In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge that we live, work and play on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Kainai, Piikani), the Tsuut’ina, the Îyâxe Nakoda Nations,  the Otipemisiwak Métis Government Battle River territory district 5 and 6, and all people who make their homes in the Treaty 7 region of Southern Alberta.

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