On Monday September 23, 2024, the ICA Board will be holding their Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Location: Inglewood Community Association, Main Hall - 1740 24TH AVE SE
Time: Doors open at 6:30 pm and the meeting begins at 7:00 pm
ICA Board Elections
YOUR INGLEWOOD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION is looking for enthusiastic and committed volunteers to join the ICA Board of Directors!
While individual roles vary, there are many opportunities for Inglewoodians to get involved in the areas they feel most passionate about. Except for the fixed terms for President and Vice President, any eligible member can volunteer for any position whether or not the incumbent is running again. This year both the President and Vice President positions are available due to the President’s term being over and the VP position being vacant. Traditional board positions can be found here: ICA - Board Positions | ICA (icacalgary.com)
According to our Bylaws, nominations are accepted either in advance or in person at the Annual General Meeting on election night (letting us know before the AGM is preferable). You will need a valid Inglewood Community Association membership to vote and/or to put your name forward to be elected to the Board. New memberships need to be purchased at least 30 days in advance. If you are interested in participating on the ICA Board, please submit your intention to: info@icacalgary.com.
