Inglewood Design Initiative
What is the Inglewood Design Initiative?
The IDI is a roadmap for Inglewood’s future. It’s a vision, soon to become a blueprint (2014), and eventually a binding statutory document. It’s a call to action to everyone who loves this community.
Download a full copy of the IDI (8 MB)
What is the prime goal of the IDI?
Inglewood, fully realized
To become the quintessential urban village, we encourage thoughtful, creative, high-quality development that enhances Inglewood’s rich character and reflects its values.
Inglewood's Character & Values
Walkability: a captivating and highly social pedestrian environment, both urban and natural.
Main Street Charm: a beautiful retail main street, without gaps, from the Elbow River to 20th St SE.
Heritage: Calgary’s oldest community and original main street – history is alive and well here!
Liveability: a neighbourly, affordable place to live for a diverse and growing population.
Arts & Culture: a vibrant cultural destination that is home to many artists.
Safety & Comfort: safe streets, safe people, safe property – and many considerate touches.
A Desirable Place to Work: near downtown but a world apart.
The Mix: old and new, living and working, urban and natural, multimodal transportation choices, a range of affordability and building types to attract diverse residents and businesses.
The “Urban Village” Form: compact, connected, high quality, low-rise except in designated areas, designed for pedestrians and community life, built for centuries of flexible use and enjoyment.
Community: Civic engagement, inclusiveness, compassion and connectedness.
Environmental Stewardship: risk mitigation, conservation and responsible development.
And of course…Gumption! Inglewoodians will build and fight for this community with determination and passion, just as we’ve done for 120 years.
Call to action
There’s a role for all in achieving Inglewood, fully realized. To learn how you can contribute your ideas and skills to any of these areas of focus, contact us