Rates and Booking Information
Rates may be subject to change and do NOT include GST
Main Hall
Sunday - Friday: $90/hour (2-hour minimum)
Saturday: $130/ hour (4-hour minimum)
Saturday 12 hours: $1175 flat rate
Saturday 18 hours (7am - 1am): $1550 flat rate
Dave Marshall Room
The Dave Marshall Room is currently unavailable
Monday to Friday - evenings only
Please contact our Office for more information
Skate Shack
Indoor Space
$40/hour (min 3 hours)
Outdoor Spaces
Varies depending on setup needs and number of people
Please contact our Office for more information
Canopy rental: $35 per canopy per event
Commercial barbecue rental: $100 per event
Additional Rental Information
ICA bartenders ($25/hr) must be hired for all events where alcohol is being offered
Projector rental $35 plus GST per day
TV Rental $35 plus GST per day
Rental fees include tables and chairs
Rental fees for indoor bookings include set up & tear down (one setup included in the rental--if more than one setup an additional fee will be requested)
Discounted rates available
Inquiries welcome for long-term rentals (reduced rates)
15% discount for Inglewood residents with current membership
10% discount for Inglewood businesses
How to book
Please contact the ICA Office for more information:
​Email info@icacalgary.com
Phone 403-264-3835
​Rental Agreement
A Sample Rental Agreement can be found here. Please note that your personalized rental agreement may not be exactly the same as this sample depending on the type of event and room booked.
Hall rental bookings are at the discretion of the ICA General Manager.
Location and Parking
The Inglewood Community Hall is located at: 1740 24th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2G 1P9
We are conveniently located just five minutes from downtown Calgary and offer easy access from Deerfoot and Blackfoot Trails, Memorial Drive and 9’th Ave SE. Our facility has ample free parking for your event, both in our parking lot and on-street parking.